Nothing to say, but Google

Really, when I must think about a web site that I like... I can´t think in anything. I have Internet conexion in my house since I was eleven years old. In that time, I loved to spend a lot of time in the front of my personal computer, visiting any web site, wasting my time.

Because of that, now, at my nineteen years old, I hate to spend so time in the front of my PC... I don´t know any web site related with my career, because I really don´t like to search this stuffs.

If I must to write about some web site, I would like to tell you about Google. This is the most used engine of search. Google has more than 8.168 million of web pages in it´s virtual index. Google answers more than 200 million of searches per day.

I visit this engine of search every day. With this page I search all what I need in internet, from all kind of images to academic documents. Is very useful, not only for the journalism. Is very useful for every person that is looking for something.

To be so honest.

The Real Imperative Technology

My second english homework: write about my favorite technology. A piece of technology wich I couldn´t live with out. This is so difficult. Yes!, it is difficult to me. Despite of we living in a technologic world, where all is a "technology".
That is what make feel complicated. When I was read the homework in the teacher´s blog, I thought inmediatly, in my cell phone (that is a music player and a little camera, too), in my personal computer, the TV, the radio and all that technologic thing that bring to me a most confortable life. I think that everyone thought this.
Nevertheless, have you ever thought in the real piece of technology wich we couldn´t live?
That things we use every day, not for our confort but for make us a easier life. All the technology that use the food industries, the buses of the public transport, the system of drinking water, the medical laboratories that bring me health or the machines that produces my clothe. Really, this is my favorite technology. Because I couldn´t be in this life like a monkey, but I can live with out the TV. I think so.

The English Version

Her name is Catalina. She is nineteen years old. She lives in Santiago... really near Valparaiso. She studies journalism at Universidad de Chile in her second year of career and she loves it . She likes to sleep and to eat domestic food cooked by her Nany or her father. Her favorite food are the vegetables and any accompaniment. Her favorite music is Rock, specially the music of The Beatles and Queen, between other masters of rock, of course. She loves to spend time with her boyfriend, who is very good musician. She is now in her first course of english at the same university, at the third level called "Pre-intermediate". Like a first homework, she is now writing about her self in a blog, created specially to this english course. She loves the English languaje; because of that she want´s to learn to speak and write in english. Nevertheless, she knows that this course is more difficult than the school, where she never learned another thing that “The Verb To Be“ (in a ironic way, of course). She hopes to learn something else now.