Her name is Catalina. She is nineteen years old. She lives in Santiago... really near Valparaiso. She studies journalism at Universidad de Chile in her second year of career and she loves it . She likes to sleep and to eat domestic food cooked by her Nany or her father. Her favorite food are the vegetables and any accompaniment. Her favorite music is Rock, specially the music of The Beatles and Queen, between other masters of rock, of course. She loves to spend time with her boyfriend, who is very good musician.
She is now in her first course of english at the same university, at the third level called "Pre-intermediate". Like a first homework, she is now writing about her self in a blog, created specially to this english course. She loves the English languaje; because of that she want´s to learn to speak and write in english. Nevertheless, she knows that this course is more difficult than the school, where she never learned another thing that “The Verb To Be“ (in a ironic way, of course). She hopes to learn something else now.

3 comentarios:
Hi Catalina,
Great and beautiful blog. It is very "girllish".
Nevertheless, why did you use 3rd person?
See you, Paula
Sorry, I forgot to tell you you get 2 points out of 2.
i love your template...it's so lovely, and girllish, and childish...and the cakes that are above make me feel hungry!
I think it was a really cool thing to write your presentation in third person, but you have to be careful because it isn't that easy as to write that way in spanish. It can be a little confusing, but I still believe it's a great thing to try and a big innovation from you!
You should trust more in yourself because you know English better than you think...you have just to relax and try to forget your fears!
You know that I love you, don't you? (for the record...just as friends! there are people that just think ugly things)
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