In spite of this event, this woman was very important to John Lennon. He loved her more than anything. She inspired a lot of his songs, like the song "Woman", dedicated to Yoko Ono. In the lyrics, he expresses all the love that he feels for the woman of torn eyes.
This picture is only one of hundreds of photos of the couple. They were activists for the World Peace and Non violence. So, they have many anonymous pictures, in diferent places an moments.
I love this picture because it shows the "Real Love". In adittion, I know very well the history of this couple. I know how dificult it was to be together, and I know the suffering that Yoko felt when John Lennon left this life, in the eighties. I love this picture because John Lennon is naked and grasped to the body of the woman that he loves, showing his unic and wonderful love for her.
That´s why I love the music and this picture of John Lennon and Yoko Ono.
2 comentarios:
We chose the same picture!!!! :O :O :O
But I chose it first ¬¬ A long long time ago...
It´s really nice that we like the same things, and since I don´t want to do comparisons between your text and mine, I say goodbye.
Hi Catalina, Excellent job.
This is the assessment criteria for Task 4:
-All aspects of the task are very well handled. 3 points.
-Excellent use of lexical resources. 3 points.
-Grammar is adequate despite minor errors. 2 points.
See you in class.
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