This universitary term has been very bored. The most of our subjets has been slightly demanding. Nevertheless of that, there is two subjets very usefull for our professional and personal formation. This subjets are suficiently demanding. One of them is very interesting and the other one teaches me how to do a good journalist work. This courses are Chronicle and Interview and Interpersonal Comunication. Ther firt one is teaching by the journalist Juan Pablo Cárdenas and the next one is dicted by the psicologist, Osvaldo Corrales.
Both teachers, in their own areas, are very good professionals, and they teach their knowledges in a very good form. The subjets are very usefull in their own way.
Chronicle and Interview
I love this course because is what I want to do like a journalist: to write. Juan Pablo Cárdenas is a out-standing chilean journalist, who teach us, from his own experience in medias, how to write. Not just like a journalist. He teach us to write in a good way, like a comunication worker and like a good writter.
Interpersonal Comunication
And I love this course too. I think that this is the most enriching subjet until this years of career. I learn a lot about the comunicacion evolution; about many authors and their studies of human comunication and of course, I learn a lot about the relations ships. This is teaching by a psicologist, who uses his own experience to make grow our knowledge.
This are my favorite subjets and the new thing I have learnt in my third semester of career.